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Peter Keegan

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Artist Peter Keegan shares art inspiration and talks about his experience as the first ever Artist in Residence at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre.
If you enjoyed this Art Chat or have any thoughts on it or questions, please leave a comment. If you made a piece of art inspired by this Art Chat, we'd love it if you'd upload and share!

7 Responses

  1. This chat was fabulous!! I wish I could have watched the video live, but that wasn’t possible. Thanks so much for posting it so that I could view it. I love Peter, and I hope that I can also take one or more of his classes. Thank you!

  2. Hi Martha – so thankful for the recording! I had to leave Peter’s chat early and have enjoyed finishing it today. He’s amazing, and I haven’t looked at the website yet but I’m hopeful he’s scheduled for a Zoom class on Winslow soon! If so, I’ll be attending — thanks for all of the wonderful classes you provide!!

  3. Wonderful Art Chat, thank you Martha and Peter. I was determined not to miss this episode because I had seen Peter demonstrating in the Hampshire/Surrey border and fell under the spell of his warm and exciting determination to make a painting sing. I was not disappointed and will now find a venue for a Keegan course this side of the pond.

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