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Zoë Cohen – Intuitive Abstraction: Color and Composition (Online); Thursdays, January 16-30, 2025

This class was held in the past and is no longer available for registration. Please view our Online Course Catalog for current class listings.

Date: Thursdays, January 16-30, 2025
Times: 10:00 AM-12:30 PM Pacific, 1:00-3:30 pm Eastern, 6:00-8:30 PM London Time
Level: All
Mediums: Mixed media

Supply List

Abstract painting presents complex challenges for the painter. This workshop investigates the paradox that within limitation
lies great freedom. Narrowing focus can expand our creativity. We’ll practice multiple painting skills by following specific prompts related to color and composition. These include value studies, combining transparent and opaque paint, limited palette, color schemes, positive and negative space, line, form, scale, space, common compositional formats and working from observation. Using a variety of tools and techniques we intuitively make decisions within finite parameters to clarify essential expression.

Each day begins with a slideshow of inspirational contemporary artists followed by guided exercises and instructor demos.

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