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Larry Calkins – The Humble Stick Figure (Recording) – Free!

Date: Sunday, December 18, 2022
Time: 1:30-2:30 AM Pacific Time (4:30-5:30 PM Eastern Time/8:30-9:30 PM London Time)

The stick figure is like an alphabet. In fact, some alphabet letters are derived from the stick figure. Contemporary artists like Paul Klee, L.S. Lowry, Keith Harring (to name a few), utilized this simple depiction as has every culture around the world, from Europe, to India, to Easter islands, to the Americas. It has endured because it is easy to draw and easy to understand. The humble stick figure can convey every kind of emotion with just a few lines!

Larry Calkins was born in 1955 in Corvallis, OR, and grew up in a small logging community named Harlan. He stepped into the family tradition of working within logging operations, but after serious injuries in logging accidents, he decided to pursue a career in the arts. He has lived in London, England, and has traveled widely throughout the US and Europe.  Larry is a very prolific artist and has created a vast body of work, that has been shown in many galleries since 1994.  Calkins has been Artist in Residence at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma, WA and has taught workshops and classes for many years in the Seattle area.

You’ll only need to register one time to access all the recordings in the archive.


About Our Past Free Classes:

  • This is a recording of a past class. There is no Zoom link because this event was in the past.
  • Sign up for the recording archive one time to access all the recordings.  
  • Find the Free Class Recordings link on your Online Classrooms page and a link in your email registration confirmation.
  • Past free recording selection is subject to change.

About Our Past Free Classes:

  • This is a recording of a past class.
  • There is no Zoom link, only a recording, because this event was in the past.
  • Sign up for the recording archive one time to access all the recordings.  
  • Find the Free Class Recordings on your Online Classrooms page and a link in your email registration confirmation.
  • Past free recording selection is subject to change.

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