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Jane Davies – Composition as Process (Online Class Recording)

This class was held in the past and is no longer available for registration. Please view our Online Course Catalog for current class listings.

Date recorded: Friday, August 27, 2021
Medium: Mixed Media

Supply List PDF (right-click or option-click to download) 

Everyone wants to know about composition. The questions that Jane Davies consistently receives in her classes and workshops are “When do you think about composition?” and “Do you worry about composition, or do you just paint?”  Embedded in these questions is the assumption that composition is separate from the process of painting itself and that somehow it’s possible to make a painting that is not a composition, or to paint without composing.

In this Technique Takeaway, Jane will demonstrate how she makes compositional decisions as her paintings develop in order to broaden her perspective on composition and allow for more experimentation in her art practice.

From Jane Davies: “Throughout my process of painting, I am engaged in the act of composing. The visual elements and their relationships to one another change many times during the course of creating a painting. The composition is in constant flux until it isn’t. The composition of the finished painting (if it finishes, which not all my paintings do), is an unknown until it reveals itself through the process of composing.”

Jane Davies is a full-time painter. Beginning as a potter in the early nineties, Davies transitioned into freelance art, using painting and collage as her medium. Since 2010 she has been teaching abstract painting workshops nationwide and online, as well as making art full time. She has written five instructional books, produced one instructional DVD, and offers many demonstration videos on social media.

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