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Gage Opdenbrouw – Critique Group (Online); August 22-November 7, 2024

This class was held in the past and is no longer available for registration. Please view our Online Course Catalog for current class listings.

Session Dates: Thursdays, August 22, September 12, September 26, October 10, October 24 & November 7, 2024
Times: 10:30 AM-1:30 PM Pacific Time, 1:30-4:30 PM Eastern Time, 6:30-9:30* PM London Time
Level: All
Medium: Open to any medium

Isolation in the studio is a fact of life for most serious painters, and the solitude is often positive, but it can be hard to judge our own work with clear eyes.  A supportive and articulate environment to discuss your ongoing efforts with the brush is helpful, and in my opinion, critical.  In better times, I make a point to visit my friend’s studios regularly, to see what they are working on, how its going, what they’re satisfied with and what they’re not, and simply how they work.

This group is intended to be a meeting for a critique group of dedicated painters who work in the studio regularly.  Participating artists will upload their work previous to the class session, and I will go over each work submitted, as if we were sitting in a classroom with all the paintings in front of us.  I will lead the discussion, but class participation and dialogue is strongly encouraged, and in fact, is the whole point.  I learned as much from my peers as from my teachers back in art school, and the same is even more true now.  There is the possibility for this class to continue beyond the initial offering as we get a group together where the conversation is strong.

Born in 1977 and raised in Northern California, Gage Opdenbrouw is an award winning painter, teacher, and woodworker who teaches live online courses in drawing and painting to artists from all over the country and around the world.

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