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Cynthia Armstrong – Seasonal Borders in Watercolor and Gouache (Online); Wednesdays, October 30 & November 6, 2024

This class was held in the past and is no longer available for registration. Please view our Online Course Catalog for current class listings.

Dates: Wednesdays, October 30 & November 6, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Pacific Time, 1:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time, 6:00-8:00 PM London Time
Critique Sessions: Tuesdays, November 5 & 12, 1 PM Pacific, 4 PM Eastern/9 PM London Time
Level: All
Medium: Watercolor or gouache

Supply List

Using borders to frame our artwork can significantly impact the success and interpretation of a completed piece. Creative borders can create visual structure, guide the viewer’s eye and influence the overall aesthetic of a piece as well as assist in signifying the underlying message of the artwork. Spend a couple of days exploring the joy and whimsy of creating season themed borders to add depth to artwork, frame a holiday card, or add bling to a mat board as it frames a holiday masterpiece.

Lecture and demonstrations, along with a variety of in-class assignments and homework will contribute to developing strong, successful skills and habits; our
critique sessions will offer gentle feedback and encouragement, contributing to student mastery.

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