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Bernard Dellario – Painting with Passion: The Alla-Prima Still Life Experience (Online); Wednesdays, October 23-November 13, 2024

This class was held in the past and is no longer available for registration. Please view our Online Course Catalog for current class listings.

Date: Wednesdays, October 23-November 13, 2024
Time: 11:30 AM-1:30 PM Pacific Time, 2:30-4:30 PM Eastern Time, 7:30-9:30 PM London Time
Level: All
Medium: All (Bernie will work in oil and some gouache)

Alla prima meaning ‘at first attempt’ is used mainly in oil painting and involves finishing the picture while the paint is still wet. It is suited to subjects that need to be painted quickly, such as this perishable still life. Participants will have the opportunity to focus on the fundamentals of oil painting.  Strong emphasis will be placed on seeing basic abstract shapes, understanding values, observation of the play of light on the subject and composition.  Participants may work in the medium of their choice. There will also be discussion on methods for setting up your reference and lighting. The instructor will be using oil and perhaps gouache in his demonstrations.  There is not a specific material list for this class so you can use your usual painting setup. Students should have a good working knowledge of their materials.

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