Edmond Praybe

Edmond Praybe is an award winning painter and teaching artist currently based outside of Baltimore, MD. He shows his work widely in juried and invitational exhibitions across the US and is currently represented by First Street Gallery in New York City and Y Art in Baltimore. Edmond received his BFA in painting from Maryland Institute, College of Art and MFA from the New York Studio School. He has taught classes, workshops and lectured in the Mid-Atlantic region for the better part of a decade.
  • Edmond Praybe – Still Life: More than Nature Morte (Recording) – Free!

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  • Edmond Praybe – Considering the Figure in Context (Recording)

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  • Art Chat (Online); Thursdays, 10AM Pacific Time, 1PM Eastern Time, 6PM London Time – Free!

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Edmond Praybe

Edmond Praybe is an award winning painter and teaching artist currently based outside of Baltimore, MD. He shows his work widely in juried and invitational exhibitions across the US and is currently represented by First Street Gallery in New York City and Y Art in Baltimore. Edmond received his BFA in painting from Maryland Institute, College of Art and MFA from the New York Studio School. He has taught classes, workshops and lectured in the Mid-Atlantic region for the better part of a decade.
  • Edmond Praybe – Still Life: More than Nature Morte (Recording) – Free!

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  • Edmond Praybe – Considering the Figure in Context (Recording)

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  • Art Chat (Online); Thursdays, 10AM Pacific Time, 1PM Eastern Time, 6PM London Time – Free!

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