Debora Stewart

Debora Stewart is a Signature Member and a Master Pastellist of the Pastel Society of America and a member of the Master’s Circle of the International Association of Pastel Societies. She is also the author of a Northlight book titled Abstract Art Painting: Expressions in Mixed Media and a series of videos on abstract painting from Northlight TV. She teaches workshops for artists in abstraction throughout the U.S. Her pastels and paintings are available through galleries in Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois.
  • Art Chat (Online); Thursdays, 10AM Pacific Time, 1PM Eastern Time, 6PM London Time – Free!

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Debora Stewart

Debora Stewart is a Signature Member and a Master Pastellist of the Pastel Society of America and a member of the Master’s Circle of the International Association of Pastel Societies. She is also the author of a Northlight book titled Abstract Art Painting: Expressions in Mixed Media and a series of videos on abstract painting from Northlight TV. She teaches workshops for artists in abstraction throughout the U.S. Her pastels and paintings are available through galleries in Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois.
  • Art Chat (Online); Thursdays, 10AM Pacific Time, 1PM Eastern Time, 6PM London Time – Free!

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